Maybe you voting: Which Voska look tastiest?!
Me think this good idea be. What for I not do this earlier??
Presenting Picture A:

Presenting Picture B:

Presenting Picture C:

Presenting Picture D:

Presenting Picture E:

Now VOTE!....or F for: Voska u look hot all picture, all time... ;)
Or if you bad person be, vote G: Voska u make me want to cut eyeball with glass!!
Umm...none of the above??
a c albo e...chyba e jest najlepsze, ale wydaje mi sie ze lepiej wygladasz na zdjeciach niz w osobie...BOOYA! me love you long time!
look at this time line! woaaah! awww how could we rate your awesomeness??!!
D) you big polish faggot
you should post one of the pics I took of you my dear:) I believe I took the funniest and the best pictures of you :) :) :)
me in dublin
"D) you big polish faggot "
That comment be by Voska's little brother - "Pawel", yes "Pawel". He be nice boy, but have some mental problems - big family secret this be.
A) is out of fucking control. Yes I swore. It is that out of control. I like current Adam.
Are all Voska's awesome (Y/N)?
If I must choose, I choose C because Voska looks like he just heard someone crying for help in the distance and is about to change into a cape + tights and go rescue someone.
Voska A and B ...were...I struggle with the vocabulary...They are festive and special.
a) IS ALRIGHT....B) IS HELL NO!.....c) COULD B BETTER.....d) I DIG......AND e) TOTALLY HATE IT! I agree w/Thomas....I like current Adam too! =)
Todaу, I ωеnt to thе beach frοnt with my сhildren.
ӏ found a seа shell and gavе it to
my 4 year οlԁ daughter and saіd "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear."
She put the shell tо heг еaг and ѕcreamed.
Thеre was a hermit crаb inside anԁ it pinched heг eaг.
She never wantѕ to go back! LoL I know this is complеtelу off
topic but I had tο tell somеone!
Here is my page -
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