(NOTE: though Wikipedia be policitcally correct, and not say full that Poland is home of Pieogi, among we, can be agreeing that pierogi is be coming from Poland and say that is that. Tak Tak Tak)
I be borning in Poland 28 years ago (god Voska Dour be getting old Mofo). Coming to Canada to escape the war state situation....tank in street bad, maple syrup good. Since, been back some times, but last time 14 years ago. Was stupid mofo back then....hmmm still be??
In Poland, many thing be changing, many thing be staying the same. Some good change, some bad change, some good same, some bad same. Story of life? Voska Dour need 30 more years to say sure.
One thing Voska Dour can say sure is Polska girl is good looking. Surprise. Before only have eye for Asian girl. Now have two eyes...hmmm, one eye Asian, one eye Polish. Voska dour look like screwed up Mofo.
ok. Talking give Voska Dour ache in head. Now show pictures. Look.
Look what is?! Oh is giant Pierogi! Tasty.....
no, is not illegitimate daughter...Voska Dour is safe lover....is daughter of 2nd cousin...I no know what to call. I be favourite uncle (maybe).
when Voska Dour be swimming in Voska, people around him act silly too...this be other 2nd cousin....too far removed to kiss? maybe... voska dour need checking.
one cool Polish Mofo.....yeah u are be stepping....

Look for more pictures coming....
the one... the ONLY Voska Dour is back to the land of maple syrup and poutine! These pierogi's you speak of are... wonderfully yummy bites of goodness my tummy is rumbling! Welcome back homie! and get those pierogis cookin!
Mr. Voska Dour. You be returning and bringing such bounty tears sprang from eyes. Also you plant kisses thrice upon cheeks, and sandpaper my skin. Huzzah!
Van Kay returns! And brings back toys! Toys that go pop! And toys with interesting pulling mechanisms. I hear you also bring special voska. Hurrah for you and hurrah for me!
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