MUSIC - it moving soul. it bringing tear. it giving meaning to the life.
So this song, not be so well known, because no play on radio. Why? Because say a few things that young people maybe be corrupting by. But is ok. Voska already corrupted, and you be here, so you already corrupted too.
So listening to this song! This be one of the Voska favourite. Yes Voska be bad-assing Polish gangsta. Popping caps in asses he be! What for? Because some punk being rerouting ho's not in Voska's direction!!!
Listen. If it bring tear to eye, is ok, Voska no thinking less of you. Meaning you have spirit!

Put it on Me!
This National Anthem of Voskandia being - as first minister of Bringing the Pain I approve. Oh, how I approve.
"And even though her parents spent the fat chip
On that private school chip
She graduated, got some thug dick and flipped
No more checkered sweater, vest and plaid skirts
She's out here naked more or less and that hurts"
You my friend are nothing more than a perogi loving big headed polish stop listening to this music and how about some classic polish folk music?? hmmmm?
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